Standing Against Racism Requires a Commitment to Economic Justice

WorkForce Central acknowledges and condemns the systemic racism that has led to horrific acts of brutality against Manuel Ellis, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and so many others. We condemn the social and economic bias that has created a grinding inequity of opportunity and social capital.

We pledge to keep working to change not just hearts, but practices. We have dedicated resources to help adults without high school degrees, disconnected youth, and residents of low-income communities get the training and experience they need for better jobs.

We know we need to do more.

Every day we see barriers to economic justice. We continue to work with community partners to help address these barriers and help employers recruit qualified, diverse workforces.

We stand against racism and we honor those who have risked much in the past few weeks to ignite change. Thank you.


Helen McGovern-Pilant
Interim CEO
WorkForce Central

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