If you believe an occupation is misclassified, please feel free to use our Change Request Form to request a reclassification and to share supporting information for that change. If you’d like to learn more about the change request approval process and OID updates, check out our OID Updates and Management section below.
Using the OID Change Request form, community partners and employers can submit additional information to support the reclassification of an occupation. WFC will review all change requests and supporting documentation with the goal of making a final determination within five business days*. It is the responsibility of the requestor to submit a clear rationale and supporting evidence for a reclassification. If the change request does not make a strong case, a request may be declined. WFC will notify the requester of the final decision as soon as a decision is reached.
Reclassification Period: Approved changes will remain in effect for the remaining period of current occupation projections and through the following calendar period.
The occupation projection period begins September 1st and lasts for 12 months.
- For example, if a change is approved on May 1, 2021, the updated classification will remain in effect until August 31, 2022 (16 months).
- If, however, a change is approved November 1, 2021, the updated classification will remain in effect until August 31, 2023 (22 months).
After the reclassification period, unless updated with a new change request, the in-demand status will default to the classification based on the Employment Security Department’s updated occupation projections and WFC local area adjustments.
Annual Update: Each year, when new occupation projections are released, typically in August, WFC will release an update based on labor market data along with local area adjustments and persisting reclassification changes. Partners and employers are able to review and submit any change requests at any point in the year.
*This is dependent on the volume of change requests, clarity of rational, and supporting evidence provided. All decisions for change requests made in the month August will be delayed until the first week of September.